Quick Question

Quick Question

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You can ask a Quick Question (प्रश्न कुंडली) regarding any issue which is of great importance to you right now or at any time when you feel that you must get an answer to it.

Charges: INR 251
(UPI: s.k.roy@icici — This will be verified as: AnyTimeMoney Inc.)

Email your Quick Question to: skroy@internetastrologer.com

You can ask questions like:
# Is this the right time for me to look for a new job?
# Is this the right time to propose?
# Shall I take a vacation now?
# I have selected a house to buy. Should I go for it?
# I am going to invest money in a venture. Is it the right decision?
# Is this the right time to file a court case?
# Should I buy a car now?
etc.. etc..

You might feel, what can these questions do?

Well, everything happens for a reason .. good or bad. All kinds of thoughts come to the mind. Some decisions take positive direction and bring happiness. Others, just the opposite. The right time to ask a Quick Question is when you feel a strong urge to take the decision. This is the time to stop and think and its time for the Quick Question.

Remember, only one question. If you need to ask more questions, wait for a few days and then ask your next question.
If you want to ask the same question again, please wait for at least three months.


  1. Ask just one question.
  2. Write either in English or Hindi.
  3. Write your current local time & current date along with the question.
  4. Write the name of your city/town/village and also the country name in your question.
  5. I may take about 24 hours to reply.
  6. I reserve the right to not respond to you. I am under no obligation to interact with you in any way whatsoever. I may ignore or delete your question/query/comment if I feel it is inappropriate or is unfit to be here.
  7. Do not ask questions frequently. If you ask too many questions, the purpose of Prashna Kundli will be useless for you.
  8. Do not ask “Quick Question” about marriage because in this case full horoscopes of both have to be studied in detail.
  9. If you want me to look at your horoscope in detail, then you would have to pay for consultation.
  10. Contacting me means you have read the disclaimer and you agree to it.

I m Rajat Kumar Sharma, Born 25/03/1972, Time 04.21 am/ Birth place- delhi ,
Sir since 20 yrs im at Vadodara ( Gujarat ) time now is 16.59 , im Consultant, last 17th November 2.00 pm approx we enter in big deal at Bhopal , can that deal done in our favour !
Rajat sharma
City Vadodara, Gujarat
Time 04.59 pm

Dear Rajat

शायद यह डील नुकसानदायक हो। प्रश्न ऐसे समय पर पूछा गया है जब लग्न बदल रहा है। फिर भी मैं कहूँगा सावधान रहने में ही भलाई है।

The deal might result in a loss. You have asked the question at the time when the lagna is changing. Still, I would advise you to stay alert.

Is it right time to start A new business now.
name- tanvir singh
time- 04:30 am
place-Lakshmanpur, UP

Dear Tanvir

Are you presently residing in Lakshmanpur, UP?

For Prashna Kundli (Quick Question) your present place of residence is required.
जिस वक्त आपने सवाल किया है (टाइम), आप इस समय कहाँ रह रहे हो (स्थान), यह दोनों चीज़ें लिखना जरूरी है ना की जन्म की तारीख।

Dear Tanvir

नया काम शुरु करने में कोई बुराई नहीं है लेकिन शुरु में उतार-चढ़ाव बहुत आएँगे परन्तु आपको हिम्मत नहीं हारनी है। काम जमने में 1 साल से ज़्यादा समय लग सकता है।

आपकी प्रश्न कुंडली के अनुसार इतना ही बताया जा सकता है। अधिक विश्लेषण (जानकारी) आपकी जन्मपत्री के विस्तृत अध्ययन से ही हो सकता है। इसका शुल्क लगता है।


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