Birth Chart Analysis

Birth Chart Analysis

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I will analyse your birth chart in detail based on the date, time & place of your birth.

Charges: INR 2,501
(UPI: s.k.roy@icici — This will be verified as: AnyTimeMoney Inc.)

Email your details to:

Requirements (for Birth Chart Analysis):
 * Date of Birth
 * Time of birth (+ also the time difference from GMT)
 * Place of Birth (with latitude and longitude)
 * A brief description about yourself along with a few good and bad incidents.
This will help in verifying the correctness of your birthchart.

If I am not able to correlate the information provided by you (your past events) with the information as per the birth chart that I will prepare based on your birth details, I will definitely try to prepare your correct birth chart by adding or subtracting a few hours/days to the ‘time of birth’ that you have provided (your parents may not have been able to note your correct time of birth). Once the birthchart matches your past events, and after confirmation by you, I will be in a better position to help you understand your life and perhaps discuss corrective measures.

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